MIL Q1 M3 Evolution

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MIL Q1 M3 Evolution

#MIL Q1 M3 Evolution| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

11Media andInformation LiteracyQuarter 1 – Module 3:Evolution of MediaWhat I Need to Know

Hi! This module was designed for you to explore the evolution of media. You may be able to find out some technologies used throughout the history. You will be amazed how people communicate each other without using cellphones or any social media accounts.

May this module bring excitement and significant learning experiences as you answer the activities. Let’s start!

The module is divided into two lessons:

Evolution of Media: Traditional to New Media Indigenous Media and Other Sources of Information

After going through this module, you are expected to:

฀ identify traditional and new media; ฀ identify different sources of information in various ages; ฀ discuss the importance of evaluating information from the internet ฀ compare and contrast indigenous media to other sources of information ฀ explain how the evolution of media shaped the values and norms of people and society

What I Know

####### I. Multiple Choice. Read carefully each question and write your answer in

####### STANDARD CAPITAL letter in your notebook.

It is a device that applies pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (like paper or cloth). A. Clay Tablet C. Printing Press B. Typewriter D. Laptop It is used for long-distance communication by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.

A. Telegraph C. Smartphone B. Clay Tablet D. Computer 3. It is to provide a platform for public political discourse. It is to facilitate public opinion and expression of dissent. A. Monitoring Function C. Opinion Function B. Information Function D. Watchdog 4. Which of the following is NOT a form of Indigenous Media?

A. Folk or traditional media C. Direct observation

Lesson1Evolution of Media:Traditional to New Media

Are you aware of what is happening in your community? Are you still updated with the current issues that our country is facing today? If yes, good to hear that! I bet you have your cellphone, television or radio with you to stay updated on what is happening around. Did you ever wonder how people in the past received and delivered information or data?

What’s In

####### Activity 1. Picture Analysis

Analyze the picture and answer the question that follows.

What does the picture tell you? Explain your answer

Source: “Evolution of Communication”, The Denver Post, last modified May 7, 2016, denverpost/2009/03/26/evolution- ofcommunication/

Are you familiar with the technologies that they used? Well, those are some of the technologies that they used for communication. It was difficult and complicated to communicate before. It was challenging and time consuming.

With the development of technology, people of today receive new tools that make them work more efficient and effective. Let’s find out more!

What’s New

Activity 2. Classification of Words

Directions: Classify the following communication tools according to what age they belong.

cave paintings typewriter television Facebook

transistor radio portable laptop papyrus newspaper

smartphones clay tablets telegraph LCD Projectors

motion picture mainframe Computers wood blocks Google

Pre -Industrial Age Industrial Age Electronic Age New/Information Age

Were you able to get all correct answers? You may check the Answer Key.

The words that you have classified are some of the communication tools that were used in various ages in the history of communication: pre-industrial age, industrial age, electronic age and new/information age.

What is It

As media and information evolve throughout the history, it provided people with a better and faster access to information that is easier to adopt and to manipulate.

Below are the different tools that were used in various eras in the history of communication.

Printing press for mass production (19th century)

A printing press is typically used for texts. It is a device that applies pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (like paper or cloth). Source: “The evolution of Traditional to New Media”, Sutori, accessed June 11, 2020, sutori/item/printing-press-for-mass-production-19th-century-a-printing-press-is -a-device- 0297

Telegraph is used for long-distance communication by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations. Source: “Morse Code and the Telegraph”, History, last modified June 6, 2019, history/topics/inventions/telegraph

Motion picture (also known as film or movie) is series of still photos on film, projected in rapid succession onto a screen by means of light. Source: “Motion Picture”, Encyclopaedia Britannica, accessed June 12, 2020,britannica/art/motion-picture/Montage

Other Examples:

Newspaper- The London Gazette (1640) Typewriter (1800) Telephone (1876) Motion picture photography/projection (1890) Commercial motion pictures (1913) Motion picture with sound (1926) Punch cards

Electronic Age

Electronic Age (1930s-1980s) - The invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long distance communication became more efficient. Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph et., “ Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp- 21

Other Examples:

Television (1941) Personal computers - i. Hewlett Packard 9100A (1968), Apple 1 (1976) • OHP, LCD projectors New Age or Information Age Information Age (1900s-2000s) - The Internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the social network. People advanced the use of microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, sound and data are digitalized. We are now living in the information age Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph et., “ Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp- 21


Laptop Facebook Google Meet (Social Network) (Video Chat)

Other Examples:

Web browsers: Mosaic (1993), Internet Explorer (1995) Blogs: Blogspot (1999), LiveJournal (1999), Wordpress (2003) Social networks: Friendster (2002), Multiply (2003), Facebook (2004) Microblogs: Twitter (2006), Tumblr (2007) Video: YouTube (2005) Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality Video chat: Skype (2003), Google Hangouts (2013) Search Engines: Google (1996), Yahoo (1995) Portable computers- laptops (1980), netbooks (2008), tablets (1993) Smart phones Wearable technology Cloud and Big Data


Transistor Radio Large Electronic Computers Mainframe Computers

Photo ofTransistor radio

Photo of Large electronic computers - i. EDSAC (1949) a nd UNIVAC 1 (1951)

Activity 4. Traditional VS New Media

Write on the line which of the two is traditional media and new media and explain briefly your answer.

“Traditional Media Vs New Media”, 1MayaMaria, last modified April 26, 2015, 1mayamaria.wordpress/2015/04/26/traditional-media-vs-new-media/

Explain your answer:

Were you able to distinguish correctly the two? Check your answers using the Answer Key.

Activity 5. Venn Diagram

####### Directions: Using the Venn diagram give the similarities and differences

####### between tradition and new media.

Were you able to get the similarities and the differences between the two? Which do you think is the better one? Why?

Check the Answer Key for the possible answers.


Let us remember:

฀ As media and information evolve throughout the history, it provided people with a better and faster access to information that is easier to adopt and to manipulate.

฀ Media as a communication tool is used to inform people on what is happening around them, and educating people to make significance of facts.

฀ Media is also used as a platform for public political discourse which can form public opinion.

฀ Media also serves as a watchdog of the government and private agencies which leads to accountability and effecting positive change.

What I Can Do

Activity 7. Collage Making

Directions: Cut some pictures and paste them in the box to create a collage that shows the functions and communication of media. Do this in a short bonpaper. Below is the rubric for your guide.

What I Have Learned

####### Rubric for Poster

Criteria 5 4 3 2


The poster is relevant to the topic and communicates the message clearly.

Some drawings are not relevant to the topic but it still able to communicate the message clearly.

Most of the drawings are not relevant to the topic. It acceptably communicates the message but lacks clarity.

The drawing is not relevant to the topic and does not able to communicate a clear message.


The poster is very creative and neat.

The poster is somehow creative and neat.

The poster is creative but lacks neatness.

The poster lacks creativity and neatness.

Lesson4Indigenous Media and OtherSources of Information

In the previous lesson, we discussed how media and information evolve throughout the history. It makes us easier to access more information. But, how will we know the validity and reliability of the information that we get?

What’s In

Activity 1. News Report

The coronavirus or Covid19 pandemic is a global health crisis and the greatest challenge in 2020. It creates economic, political and social effects to every country it touches and leaves deep scars to it.

Some people lose their jobs and income. Some businesses are forced to close. Education switches to remote learning approach. No one has an idea when normality will return.

Directions: To know more about this pandemic, your task is to look for 3 news articles about Coronavirus Covid-19 and place them in a sheet of paper. Then, write on the box the references where you got your news articles and answer the questions that follow.

Reference for news # 1

Reference for news # 2

Reference for news # 3

Where did you search for these information or news article?

How did you determine the quality and accuracy of the information?

What’s New

Activity 2. Evaluating Online Resources

Directions: Assess the following resources that appeared in a search for “indigenous alcohol morality”. Write the word suitable on the line if it is suitable to use as an information source and reference in academic assignments. If not, write not suitable and explain briefly your reasons.

####### Note to the Student

Good topics are news about a politician, a phenomenon

What is It

Sources of Information

There are three sources of information: indigenous media, library and internet. Let us learn more of them in the following activities.

####### Indigenous Media

Indigenous media could also be defined as variety of media expression conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous people with information appropriate to their culture. Source: “Media and Information Sources”, BA Media and Information Literacy,last modified September 18, 2018, bamil786447613.wordpress/2018/09/18/media-and-information-sources/

Indigenous Knowledge is a unique knowledge from a specific culture or society.

Indigenous Communication is the transmission of information through local channels or forms by which the culture is preserved, handed down and adapted.

Source: “Media and Information Sources”, BA Media and Information Literacy,last modified September 18, 2018, bamil786447613.wordpress/2018/09/18/media-and-information-sources/

Characteristics of Indigenous Media - oral tradition of communication - store information in memories - information exchange is face-to-face - information is contained within the border of the community

Source: “Oral traditions and expressions including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage”,

####### UNESCO, accessed June 12, 2020, ich.unesco/en/oral-traditions-and-expressions- 00053

Forms of Indigenous Media

Folk or traditional media Gatherings and social organizations Direct observation Records (written, carved, oral) Oral instruction

####### Library

Library is a place where artistic, literary, musical and reference materials such manuscripts, books, and films are kept for use and not for sale.

Types of Libraries

Academic Library. This is for Colleges and Universities Public Library. This is for cities and towns School Library. This is for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 Special Library. This is in specialized environment such as hospitals, private business and the government.

####### Internet

It is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

Since it is easy to access information from the internet, the following evaluation criteria will help you how to assess online resources. - Currency. It is the timeliness of information. - Relevance. It is the significance of the information that you need. - Authority. It is the source of information. - Accuracy. It is the closeness of the report to the actual data - Purpose. The reason why it is created.


Check the Author Check the Date of Publication or of update Check for Citations Check the Domain or owner of the site/page.

.com – commercial .gov – government .edu – educational .org – nonprofit organization .mil – military

Source: “Evaluating Information Sources Guide: Activities”, Charles Darwin University Australia, last modified May 4, 2020,

####### Note to the Student

You really have to be careful in getting in formation from the internet. It is easy to access information but takes time to check and validate. Information might be varied in forms and content in which it is difficult to determine its reliability and accuracy.

What I Can Do

Activity 5. Essay

Directions: In this activity, interview two elders in your family and ask them about cultural beliefs or practices in your community: how they preserve, handed-down and adapted them. Then, ask at least three teenagers if they know and value those cultural beliefs or practices.

Elder # 1


Elder # 2


Teenager # 1

Teenager # 2

Teenager # 3

What source of information did you use? ____________________________________

Cultural beliefs and practices in the community are best known by the elders. They handed-down what they know to the next generation to preserve their cultural beliefs and practices.


####### I. Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully and write

####### your answer in STANDARD CAPITAL. Write the answers in

####### your notebook.

When did people discover fire and develop paper from plants? A. Pre-industrial Age C. Electronic Age B. Industrial Age D. New/Information Age

Which of the following statements is TRUE about industrial age? A. People developed paper from plants. B. People used electronic devices as means of communication. C. Books were published through printing press. D. People used portable computer laptop to gather information.

Which of the following medium is used during the electronic age? A. clay tablets C. virtual reality B. cloud and big data D. LCD projectors

It is where people are can share ideas, speculate, tell stories and give information. A. Monitoring Function C. Information Function B. Opinion Function D. Media as channel

Jade browses the internet on how to cite references for her research paper so that she will not commit plagiarism. What function of media is this? A. Monitoring Function C. Information Function B. Opinion Function D. Media as channel

It refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data. A. accuracy C. relevance B. authority D. purpose

A type of library that is suitable to a particular grade level. A. Academic Library C. School Library B. Public Library D. Special Library

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of indigenous media. A. oral tradition of communication B. store information in memories C. information acquired from Google D. information is contained within the border of the community

We need to evaluate information because ________. A. sources vary in the levels of authority, accuracy and objectivity B. not all information is suitable for your paper C. the information available is relevant D. "Fake news" is widespread

A journalist looking for sources should try to use ___. A. close friends in gathering information B. officials with closed connections C. variety of sources with different facts and opinions D. different opinions from the neighborhood




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